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Sold Out! Directed and work shopped by the incredible Naomi Campbell (I’m so so lucky), with the musical backing of the brilliant Marie Goudy, Janet Whiteway, Tak Arikushi, Anita Graciano and Oriana Barbato Guerrero. "Funny and sweet, and sharp and smart, and full of fabulous tunes, and the inimitable Kelly Clipperton, of course!!"

The Bowie Lives

Showplace Theatre Peterborough, 290 Georger Street N., Peterborough, Ont

I am proud to be holding down the keys in this amazing Bowie tribute band! "5 Stars! Unbelievable!" says Richard Crouse, Host of CTV PopLife. “By far, the best & coolest Bowie Tribute I’ve seen!”

says Sam Grosso, Cadillac Productions, Toronto Ontario. They're talking about the "The Bowie Lives" Canada's most sensational Bowie Spectacular! Michael Bell is an award-winning vocalist who channels the sound and styles of David Bowie, and with the help of an all-star band, theatre and costumes, captures the imagination of fans young and old.


Summers in Wasaga Beach consist of flip flops, soft sand, and memories to last a lifetime. Join us as we celebrate summer in Wasaga Beach one last time. Bring the family down to Beach #1 on Sunday, September 3th for our annual Memories of Summer festival and enjoy live family entertainment, games for all ages, live music featuring headliners, April Wine and Toronto's all-female Funk, R&B, Soul and a little Rock & Roll band GRACE as openers. Finish it off with a bang with our spectacular fireworks show.